Noin vuosi sitten laskin hiilijalanjälkeni ja tein suunnitelman sen pienentämiseksi. Sitran testin mukaan vuoden 2021 hiilijalanjälkeni oli noin 5 000 kg CO2e. Tavoitteeni oli pudottaa sitä tonnilla vuonna 2022. Sitran hiilijalanjälkitesti muodostuu neljästä eri osa-alueesta: asuminen, liikenne ja matkailu, ruoka, tavarat ja hankinnat. Näistä kaksi ensimmäistä ovat mulle henkilökohtaisesti hankalimpia pienentää, kaksi muuta ovat entuudestaan jo aika alhaiset. Hiilijalanjälki koostuu oikeassa elämässä myös muusta, mutta tämä testi antaa hyvin osviittaa siitä, millaista kulutusta itse harrastaa luonnonvaroilla.

Käydään siis läpi, miten onnistuin pudottamaan hiilijalanjälkeäni ja millaisia tavoitteita mulla on jalanjäljen suhteen tänä vuonna.

Vuoden 2022 hiilijalanjälkitavoite

Asuminen = 700 kg CO2e

Liikenne ja matkailu = 2200 kg CO2e

Ruoka = 700 kg CO2e

Tavarat ja hankinnat = 800 kg CO2e

Tavoitteellinen hiilijalanjälki vuodelle 2022: 4000 kg CO2e

Asuminen: tavoite 700 kg CO2e

Kerroin vuosi sitten muuttavani pienempään asuntoon Tukholmassa. Uusi asuntoni oli 40-neliöinen kaksio modernissa kerrostalossa. Asuinkuluni siis pienenivät muuton myötä reippaasti, ja olin laskenut sen mukaan koko vuoden hiilijalanjälkeen. Tässä vaiheessa en kuitenkaan vielä tiennyt, että joutuisin seitsemän kuukauden asumisen jälkeen uudestaan muuttopuuhiin. Uusi asuntoni on isompi ja vanhemmassa talossa. Mulle olisi riittänyt vähän pienempikin asunto, mutta Tukholman vuokramarkkinoilla otetaan se asunto, joka tarjotaan, eli ei voi alkaa hienostella. Laskin vuoden 2022 asumisen hiilijalanjäljen niin, että käytin ensin vanhan asunnon tietoja ja toisella kierroksella nykyisen, ja otin tulokseen niiden keskiarvon. Nykyisen asuntoni kanssa asumisen hiilijalanjälkeni olisi 1700 kg CO2e ja edellisen asunnon kanssa 800 kg CO2e.

Asumisen hiilijalanjälkeen kuuluu asunnon koon ja rakennusvuoden lisäksi asunnon lämpötila ja lämmitystapa sekä sähkö. En vuokra-asujana voi vaikuttaa itse lämmitystapaan enkä sähkösopimukseen, joka Tukholmassa yleensä on vuokranantajan hoidossa, mutta asunnon lämpötilaan voin. Kodissani on suht viileä lämpötila talvikaudella, noin 19 astetta testin mukaisesti vastattuna, sillä käytössä ei ole mitään ekstrapattereita tai muuta – viltit ja villasukat ajavat kohdallani niiden asian.


Viime vuonna asetin tavoitteekseni laskea suihkuminuuttini 30 minuuttiin viikossa. Valitettavasti en voi sanoa onnistuneeni tässä, vaan edelleen otan pidempiä suihkuja – tuskin kuitenkaan 60 minuuttia viikossa, mutta lähempänä sitä joka tapauksessa. Tästä annan vähän noottia itselleni, vaikka vähän perustelenkin tätä vilukissaominaisuudellani ja saunan puutteella – kesällä taas helleaallon vuoksi kävin suihkussa kahdesti päivässä.

Vuoden 2022 asumisen hiilijalanjälki: 1250 kg CO2e

Vuoden 2023 tavoitteellinen asumisen hiilijalanjälki: 1000 kg CO2e

Tämän vuoden asuntotilanteesta on vaikea tietää mitään etukäteen nykyisen sopimuksen loppumisen jälkeen. En usko muuttavani enää nykyistä enempää kuluttavaan asuntoon, päinvastoin. En kuitenkaan uskalla tavoitella liikoja asuntotilanteesta johtuen. Ja tänä vuonna yritän oikeasti saada nuo suihkuminuutit kuntoon.

Asumispäästöjen pienentämiseen vinkkejä:

Haaste: suihkussa alle 30 minuuttia viikossa
Vinkki: lyhennä suihkuaikaasi helposti
Aurinkopaneeleilla ekologisempaa ja edullisempaa sähköä – tietopaketti aurinkopaneeleista


Liikenne ja matkailu: tavoite 2200 kg CO2e

Ei varmaan yllätä, että tämä kohta on kompastuskiveni. Uskon, ettei mun tarvitse tässä vaiheessa enää selitellä rakastavani matkailua. Ja siitähän niitä päästöjä syntyy, valitettavasti. Lasketaan kuitenkin hetki viime vuoden matkailuista aiheutunutta jalanjälkeä.

Viime vuonna lensin seuraavat reitit: Tukholma-Alicante-Tukholma (8h), Tukholma-Geneve-Tukholma (5h) ja Tukholma-Helsinki-Rovaniemi-Helsinki-Tukholma (5h). Lisäksi kävin alkuvuodesta laivamatkalla reitillä Tukholma-Turku-Tukholma. Nämä ja muut liikkumiseni päästöt (jotka ovat suhteellisen pienet, sillä en kulje käytännössä lainkaan yksityisautolla vaan käytän sähköistä metroverkostoa) olivat Sitran mukaan keskimäärin 3600 kg CO2e. Eli hups vaan, tavoite ei täyttynyt, vaan luvut heilahtivat pilviin. Tätä kyllä jo viime vuoden postauksessani ounastelinkin, sillä olin buukannut jo kaksi matkaa ja arvelin käyväni Suomessa kerran.

Vuoden 2022 liikenteen ja matkailun hiilijalanjälki: 3600 kg CO2e

Vuoden 2023 tavoitteellinen liikenteen ja matkailun hiilijalanjälki: 2200 kg CO2e

Lentämällä alle 15 tuntia ja jatkamalla muuten samaan tapaan voin Sitran mukaan saavuttaa tuon 2200 kg CO2e hiilijalanjäljen tässä kategoriassa. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että voin näiden lukujen puitteissa tehdä noin kaksi ulkomaanmatkaa lentäen. Toiveeni olisi matkustaa paljon, ja vielä suurempi toiveeni olisi tehdä se maata pitkin. Tällä hetkellä mulla ei ole kuitenkaan yhden yhtä matkaa buukattuna tai edes suunniteltuna tälle vuodelle – ei edes Suomen reissuja. Tämä jääköön vielä siis täydeksi mysteeriksi. Toivon, että pystyisin myös toteuttamaan Suomeen menon ilman lentämistä tänä vuonna tehden sen joko laivalla Tukholmasta tai Uumajasta, tai maata pitkin Haaparannasta.


Ruoka: tavoite 700 kg CO2e

Ruoan hiilijalanjälki on ehkä mulle hankalin näistä, sillä en oikeasti tiedä, mistä voisin Sitran mukaan enää vähentää. Olen jättänyt eläinperäiset asiat päivittäisessä ruoassani niin vähälle, että vastasin niitä koskeviin kysymyksiin en koskaan. Kerroin myös syöväni saman verran ruokaa kuin taloudessani olevat, mutta en mielestäni syö mitenkään erityisen paljon. Noutoruoan määrä väheni ja ruokahävikki jääkaapista pieneni huomattavasti. Suurimman ilmastorikoksen ruokatottumuksissani tekee testin mukaan edelleen kahvi, jota nautin päivittäin.

Vaikka Sitran testin mukaan voisin pudottaa ruoan ilmastopäästöjäni vielä vähän, tuntuu se käytännössä hankalalta, sillä annoskokojen pienentäminen ei ehkä ole terveellisin tapa toimia tässä tilanteessa. Kahvi taas on se oma paheeni, sen myönnän. Olisi kyllä hauska nähdä vertailuna millaisen hiilijalanjäljen testi antaa viisi kertaa viikossa lihaa syöville. Tulisiko siinä vaiheessa itselle enää omatunnon kieriskelyjä päivittäisestä kahvikupillisesta? Noh, näitähän verrataan vain omiin tuloksiin ja tavoitteisiin, ei muiden. Sitä paitsi näillä henkilöillä saattaa olla lentominuuttien määrä puhdas nolla, eli mitä ruoassa säästän, otan takkiin matkustamisessa.

Vuoden 2022 ruoan hiilijalanjälki: 900 kg CO2e

Vuoden 2023 tavoittellinen ruoan hiilijalanjälki: 900 kg CO2e

En kertakaikkiaan osaa tavoitella tässä pienempää ruokatottumusten hiilijalanjälkeä, kun nipistin viime vuonna jo niistä, joista ajattelin nipistäväni. Jos vähennän kahvin juontia vielä lisää, niin merkitsen iloisen yllätyksen itselleni ensi vuoden lukemiin.


Tavarat ja hankinnat: tavoite 800 kg CO2e

Tässä kohdassa Sitran testi kysyy kolmea asiaa: tavaroiden kulutustottumuksia (ostan vain käytettynä), kesämökkitilannetta (ei ole) ja lemmikkiin menevää kuukausittaista rahamäärää (50 e). Suluissa siis antamani vastaukset testiin. Pyrin olemaan vastuullinen kuluttaja ja ostan pääosan vaatteistani joko käytettynä tai vastuullisilta toimijoilta, usein kierrätysmateriaalista tehtynä. Kuten viime vuonna totesin, en pysty millään vastauksella pienentämään kulutustani Sitran testissä, sillä lemmikistä en luonnollisesti ole luopumassa hiilijalanjäljen vuoksi siinä missä muistakaan perheenjäsenistä. En tiedä, kuluuko lemmikkiin oikeasti minkä verran rahaa, mutta yhden kissan palvelijana vastasin pienimmän mahdollisen vaihtoehdon.

Testi ei kuitenkaan käsittele tätä aihealuetta kovin kattavasti. Esimerkiksi kosmetiikka, tavaroiden kuljetukset ja elektroniikka ovat vaatteiden lisäksi asioita, joista kuluttaminen muodostuu arkielämässä. Pyrin aina puhumaan vastuullisen kuluttamisen puolesta ja toimimaan myös sanojeni mukaisesti. Tämä aihe tulee olemaan entistä enemmän pinnalla blogissani tänä vuonna myös ihmisoikeuksia koskevissa postauksissa.

Vuoden 2022 tavaroiden ja hankintojen hiilijalanjälki: 800 kg CO2e

Vuoden 2023 tavoittellinen tavaroiden ja hankintojen hiilijalanjälki: 800 kg CO2e

Testin mukaan en pysty pienentämään tätä kohtaa, joten tavoitteeni on olla lisäämättä sitä. Arkielämässä tavoitteeni on kuitenkin kiinnittää huomiota vastuullisiin kulutustottumuksiin vielä aiempaa enemmän.

Vuoden 2022 hiilijalanjälki: 6550 kg CO2e

Jep, eipä mennyt vähennys ihan putkeen. Jos en olisi käyttänyt tämän postauksen tekemiseen tuhottomasti aikaa, niin varmaan jättäisin julkaisematta, sillä kukapa sitä julkisesti haluaa kertoa tavoitteidensa täydellisestä epäonnistumisesta. Haluan kuitenkin pyrkiä läpinäkyvyyteen tässäkin asiassa, ja ehkä teistäkin on mukavaa seurata mun matkaani kohti vähäpäästöisempää elämää. On myös hyvä muistaa, ettei Sitran testi ole yhtä kuin totuus, vaan enemmän suuntaa-antava.

Vuoden 2023 hiilijalanjälkitavoite: 4900 kg CO2e

Tavoitteeni on siis päästä takaisin vuoden 2021 lukemiin ja hieman ali. Täytyy huomioida, että vuonna 2021 matkustin kerran lentäen, ja elimme silloin pandemia-aikaa. Nyt tilanne on siis matkustamisen kohdalta eri, joten pidän tuota ihan hyvänä tavoitteena itselleni. Toki se on edelleen kaukana siitä 2500 kg COe -päästöistä, johon jokaisen suomalaisen tulisi pyrkiä, mutta jo reilu askel kohti parempaa verrattuna viime vuoden tuhlailuvuoteen.

Toistan viimevuotisen kysymykseni: kuka on mukana hiilijalanjäljen pienentämistalkoissa?


  1. Asumismuoto ja halu matkustamiseen huomioonottaen en ikinä tule pääsemään yleisiin tavoitearvoihin. Ruokahävikki ei kuitenkaan käytännössä tule lainkaan ja esim. suihkussa molemmat olemme alle 30 min viikossa. Hankintoja tulee tehtyä myös varsin vähän.

    1. Samalta kuulostaa siis kuin täälläkin, ainakin noin suurinpiirtein. Asuminen on siitä vähän hankala, että siinä määrittelee todella paljon myös tarjonta – kaikkea ei voi saada, vaikka haluaisi. Toki oma mukavuudenhalukin vaikuttaa asioihin. Itse viihdyn paremmin pienessä asunnossa kuin suuressa omakotitalossa näin esimerkiksi (en tiedä teidän asumismuotoanne, joten ei viitannut siihen), mutta lämmitysmuodot ja muut on usein ennalta saneltuja. Matkustaminen taas… Noh, se on tietenkin täysin oma valinta, mutta teillä varmasti sama kuin mullakin, että matkustamisesta ei halua todellakaan luopua. Ehkä voisi yrittää ottaa pois niitä ”turhia” lentoja esimerkiksi Euroopan sisällä ja vaihtaa ne junamatkoihin. Ikuinen ongelma.

      Tosi hyvä kuitenkin, että teillä esimerkiksi ruokahävikki on olematonta ja turha ostaminen minimissä. Itsekin yritän juuri vähentää muusta kulutuksesta, jotta olisi tilaa matkustella – ja tokihan tuo pätee myös ihan rahasyistä, heh.

  2. Your explanation is organized very easy to understand!!! I understood at once. Could you please post about totosite ?? Please!!

  3. Olen aina silloin tällöin tehnyt tuon testin. Nyt kun tein, niin tulos oli 4400 kg CO2e. Lensin viime vuonna peräti kaksi kertaa, mikä on aika epätavallista, joten uskon pystyväni pienentämään hiilijalanjälkeäni tänä vuonna (muun muassa palasin juuri tällä viikolla maata pitkin -matkalta Saksasta (asun Pohjois-Norjassa)). Parin viime vuoden ajan on tullut myös tavallista enemmän ruokahävikkiä (noin 2 kg / vuosi, normaalisti noin puolisen kiloa), koska 1,5 vuotta sitten paloin loppuun ja uuvuin niin täysin, että en jaksanut huolehtia oikein mistään. Nyt olo on parempi, joten saan varmasti ruokahävikin taas liki nollaan.

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  170. EndoPump is an all-natural male enhancement supplement that improves libido, sexual health, and penile muscle strength.

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  172. TerraCalm is an antifungal mineral clay that may support the health of your toenails. It is for those who struggle with brittle, weak, and discoloured nails. It has a unique blend of natural ingredients that may work to nourish and strengthen your toenails.

  173. I liked it as much as you did. Even though the picture and writing are good, you’re looking forward to what comes next. If you defend this walk, it will be pretty much the same every time.

  174. SightCare clears out inflammation and nourishes the eye and brain cells, improving communication between both organs. Consequently, you should expect to see results in as little as six months if you combine this with other healthy habits.

  175. Sight Care is a daily supplement proven in clinical trials and conclusive science to improve vision by nourishing the body from within. The SightCare formula claims to reverse issues in eyesight, and every ingredient is completely natural.

  176. Thank you ever so for you blog post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

  177. Boostaro increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, leading to stronger and more vibrant erections. It provides a powerful boost that can make you feel like you’ve unlocked the secret to firm erections

  178. GlucoTrust is a revolutionary blood sugar support solution that eliminates the underlying causes of type 2 diabetes and associated health risks.

  179. SynoGut is an all-natural dietary supplement that is designed to support the health of your digestive system, keeping you energized and active.

  180. EyeFortin is a natural vision support formula crafted with a blend of plant-based compounds and essential minerals. It aims to enhance vision clarity, focus, and moisture balance.

  181. Neotonics is an essential probiotic supplement that works to support the microbiome in the gut and also works as an anti-aging formula. The formula targets the cause of the aging of the skin.

  182. Amiclear is a dietary supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels and assist with glucose metabolism. It contains eight proprietary blends of ingredients that have been clinically proven to be effective.

  183. GlucoCare is a natural and safe supplement for blood sugar support and weight management. It fixes your metabolism and detoxifies your body.

  184. Introducing FlowForce Max, a solution designed with a single purpose: to provide men with an affordable and safe way to address BPH and other prostate concerns. Unlike many costly supplements or those with risky stimulants, we’ve crafted FlowForce Max with your well-being in mind. Don’t compromise your health or budget – choose FlowForce Max for effective prostate support today!

  185. HoneyBurn is a 100% natural honey mixture formula that can support both your digestive health and fat-burning mechanism. Since it is formulated using 11 natural plant ingredients, it is clinically proven to be safe and free of toxins, chemicals, or additives.

  186. Neurodrine is a fantastic dietary supplement that protects your mind and improves memory performance. It can help you improve your focus and concentration.

  187. Glucofort Blood Sugar Support is an all-natural dietary formula that works to support healthy blood sugar levels. It also supports glucose metabolism. According to the manufacturer, this supplement can help users keep their blood sugar levels healthy and within a normal range with herbs, vitamins, plant extracts, and other natural ingredients.

  188. TropiSlim is a unique dietary supplement designed to address specific health concerns, primarily focusing on weight management and related issues in women, particularly those over the age of 40.

  189. Puravive introduced an innovative approach to weight loss and management that set it apart from other supplements. It enhances the production and storage of brown fat in the body, a stark contrast to the unhealthy white fat that contributes to obesity.

  190. Prostadine is a dietary supplement meticulously formulated to support prostate health, enhance bladder function, and promote overall urinary system well-being. Crafted from a blend of entirely natural ingredients, Prostadine draws upon a recent groundbreaking discovery by Harvard scientists.

  191. Herpagreens is a dietary supplement formulated to combat symptoms of herpes by providing the body with high levels of super antioxidants, vitamins

  192. Metabo Flex is a nutritional formula that enhances metabolic flexibility by awakening the calorie-burning switch in the body. The supplement is designed to target the underlying causes of stubborn weight gain utilizing a special “miracle plant” from Cambodia that can melt fat 24/7.

  193. With its all-natural ingredients and impressive results, Aizen Power supplement is quickly becoming a popular choice for anyone looking for an effective solution for improve sexual health with this revolutionary treatment.

  194. Very informative article. Really Great.

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  197. Erec Prime is a cutting-edge male enhancement formula with high quality raw ingredients designed to enhance erection quality and duration, providing increased stamina and a heightened libido.

  198. GlucoFlush™ is an all-natural supplement that uses potent ingredients to control your blood sugar.

  199. Claritox Pro™ is a natural dietary supplement that is formulated to support brain health and promote a healthy balance system to prevent dizziness, risk injuries, and disability. This formulation is made using naturally sourced and effective ingredients that are mixed in the right way and in the right amounts to deliver effective results.

  200. Nervogen Pro, A Cutting-Edge Supplement Dedicated To Enhancing Nerve Health And Providing Natural Relief From Discomfort. Our Mission Is To Empower You To Lead A Life Free From The Limitations Of Nerve-Related Challenges. With A Focus On Premium Ingredients And Scientific Expertise.

  201. I had a great time with that, too. Despite the high quality of the visuals and the prose, you find yourself eagerly anticipating what happens next. If you decide to defend this walk, it will basically be the same every time.

  202. InchaGrow is an advanced male enhancement supplement. Discover the natural way to boost your sexual health. Increase desire, improve erections, and experience more intense orgasms.

  203. Serolean a revolutionary weight loss supplement, zeroes in on serotonin—the key neurotransmitter governing mood, appetite, and fat storage.

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  205. Elevate your vitality with Alpha Tonic – the natural solution to supercharge your testosterone levels. When you follow our guidance, experience improved physical performance

  206. I cannot thank you enough for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Great.

  207. AquaPeace is the most in-demand ear health supplement on the market. Owing to its natural deep-sea formula and nutritious nature, it has become an instant favorite of everyone who is struggling with degraded or damaged ear health.

  208. ReFirmance is an outstanding lift serum that highly supports skin firmness and elasticity, smooths the presence of wrinkles, and provides deep rejuvenation properties.

  209. ProstateFlux™ is a dietary supplement specifically designed to promote and maintain a healthy prostate for male.

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  216. Sight Care is a daily supplement proven in clinical trials and conclusive science to improve vision by nourishing the body from within. The SightCare formula claims to reverse issues in eyesight, and every ingredient is completely natural.

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  218. It’s Time To Say Goodbye To All Your Bedroom Troubles And Enjoy The Ultimate Satisfaction And Give Her The Leg-shaking Orgasms. The Endopeak Is Your True Partner To Build Those Monster Powers In Your Manhood You Ever Craved For..

  219. Boostaro increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, leading to stronger and more vibrant erections. It provides a powerful boost that can make you feel like you’ve unlocked the secret to firm erections

  220. With its all-natural ingredients and impressive results, Aizen Power supplement is quickly becoming a popular choice for anyone looking for an effective solution for improve sexual health with this revolutionary treatment.

  221. GlucoTrust is a revolutionary blood sugar support solution that eliminates the underlying causes of type 2 diabetes and associated health risks.

  222. EyeFortin is a natural vision support formula crafted with a blend of plant-based compounds and essential minerals. It aims to enhance vision clarity, focus, and moisture balance.

  223. Neotonics is an essential probiotic supplement that works to support the microbiome in the gut and also works as an anti-aging formula. The formula targets the cause of the aging of the skin.

  224. Puravive introduced an innovative approach to weight loss and management that set it apart from other supplements. It enhances the production and storage of brown fat in the body, a stark contrast to the unhealthy white fat that contributes to obesity.

  225. With the power of carefully selected natural ingredients, Erec Prime works wonders in treating symptoms of ED. Experience the confidence, pleasure, and satisfaction you deserve.

  226. GlucoBerry is one of the biggest all-natural dietary and biggest scientific breakthrough formulas ever in the health industry today. This is all because of its amazing high-quality cutting-edge formula that helps treat high blood sugar levels very naturally and effectively.

  227. Prostadine is a dietary supplement meticulously formulated to support prostate health, enhance bladder function, and promote overall urinary system well-being. Crafted from a blend of entirely natural ingredients, Prostadine draws upon a recent groundbreaking discovery by Harvard scientists. This discovery identified toxic minerals present in hard water as a key contributor to prostate issues.

  228. BioFit is an all-natural supplement that is known to enhance and balance good bacteria in the gut area. To lose weight, you need to have a balanced hormones and body processes. Many times, people struggle with weight loss because their gut health has issues.

  229. Kerassentials are natural skin care products with ingredients such as vitamins and plants that help support good health and prevent the appearance of aging skin. They’re also 100% natural and safe to use. The manufacturer states that the product has no negative side effects and is safe to take on a daily basis. Kerassentials is a convenient, easy-to-use formula.

  230. SonoVive™ is a completely natural hearing support formula made with powerful ingredients that help heal tinnitus problems and restore your hearing

  231. The Quietum Plus supplement promotes healthy ears, enables clearer hearing, and combats tinnitus by utilizing only the purest natural ingredients. Supplements are widely used for various reasons, including boosting energy, lowering blood pressure, and boosting metabolism.

  232. FitSpresso stands out as a remarkable dietary supplement designed to facilitate effective weight loss. Its unique blend incorporates a selection of natural elements including green tea extract, milk thistle, and other components with presumed weight loss benefits.

  233. Endo Pump Male Enhancement works by increasing blood flow to the penis, which assist to achieve and maintain erections. This formula includes nitric oxide, a powerful vasodilator that widens blood vessels and improves circulation. Other key ingredients

  234. ProDentim is a nutritional dental health supplement that is formulated to reverse serious dental issues and to help maintain good dental health.

  235. Dentitox Pro is a liquid dietary solution created as a serum to support healthy gums and teeth. Dentitox Pro formula is made in the best natural way with unique, powerful botanical ingredients that can support healthy teeth.

  236. Gorilla Flow prostate is an all-natural dietary supplement for men which aims to decrease inflammation in the prostate to decrease common urinary tract issues such as frequent and night-time urination, leakage, or blocked urine stream.

  237. GlucoCare is a natural and safe supplement for blood sugar support and weight management. It fixes your metabolism and detoxifies your body.

  238. Nervogen Pro is an effective dietary supplement designed to help patients with neuropathic pain. When you combine exotic herbs, spices, and other organic substances, your immune system will be strengthened.

  239. HoneyBurn is a revolutionary liquid weight loss formula that stands as the epitome of excellence in the industry.

  240. GlucoFlush is an advanced formula specially designed for pancreas support that will let you promote healthy weight by effectively maintaining the blood sugar level and cleansing and strengthening your gut.

  241. InchaGrow is a new natural formula that enhances your virility and allows you to have long-lasting male enhancement capabilities.

  242. SynoGut is an all-natural dietary supplement that is designed to support the health of your digestive system, keeping you energized and active.

  243. Neurodrine is a nootropic supplement that helps maintain memory and a healthy brain. It increases the brain’s sharpness, focus, memory, and concentration.

  244. Metabo Flex is a nutritional formula that enhances metabolic flexibility by awakening the calorie-burning switch in the body. The supplement is designed to target the underlying causes of stubborn weight gain utilizing a special “miracle plant” from Cambodia that can melt fat 24/7.

  245. TropiSlim is the world’s first 100% natural solution to support healthy weight loss by using a blend of carefully selected ingredients.

  246. Claritox Pro™ is a natural dietary supplement that is formulated to support brain health and promote a healthy balance system to prevent dizziness, risk injuries, and disability. This formulation is made using naturally sourced and effective ingredients that are mixed in the right way and in the right amounts to deliver effective results.

  247. Glucofort Blood Sugar Support is an all-natural dietary formula that works to support healthy blood sugar levels. It also supports glucose metabolism. According to the manufacturer, this supplement can help users keep their blood sugar levels healthy and within a normal range with herbs, vitamins, plant extracts, and other natural ingredients.

  248. Alpha Tonic is a powder-based supplement that uses multiple natural herbs and essential vitamins and minerals to helpoptimize your body’s natural testosterone levels.

  249. Serolean, a revolutionary weight loss supplement, zeroes in on serotonin—the key neurotransmitter governing mood, appetite, and fat storage.

  250. FlowForce Max is an innovative, natural and effective way to address your prostate problems, while addressing your energy, libido, and vitality.

  251. Amiclear is a dietary supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels and assist with glucose metabolism. It contains eight proprietary blends of ingredients that have been clinically proven to be effective.

  252. VidaCalm is an all-natural blend of herbs and plant extracts that treat tinnitus and help you live a peaceful life.

  253. Cortexi is a completely natural product that promotes healthy hearing, improves memory, and sharpens mental clarity. Cortexi hearing support formula is a combination of high-quality natural components that work together to offer you with a variety of health advantages, particularly for persons in their middle and late years.

  254. Introducing TerraCalm, a soothing mask designed specifically for your toenails. Unlike serums and lotions that can be sticky and challenging to include in your daily routine, TerraCalm can be easily washed off after just a minute.

  255. AquaPeace is an all-natural nutritional formula that uses a proprietary and potent blend of ingredients and nutrients to improve overall ear and hearing health and alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus.

  256. Reliver Pro is a dietary supplement formulated with a blend of natural ingredients aimed at supporting liver health

  257. Are you tired of looking in the mirror and noticing saggy skin? Is saggy skin making you feel like you are trapped in a losing battle against aging? Do you still long for the days when your complexion radiated youth and confidence?

  258. ProstateFlux is a dietary supplement specifically designed to promote and maintain a healthy prostate. It is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients known for their potential benefits for prostate health.

  259. Neurozoom crafted in the United States, is a cognitive support formula designed to enhance memory retention and promote overall cognitive well-being.

  260. LeanFlux is a revolutionary dietary formula specially crafted for individuals dealing with obesity and those on a weight loss journey.

  261. Researchers consider obesity a world crisis affecting over half a billion people worldwide. Vid Labs provides an effective solution that helps combat obesity and overweight without exercise or dieting.

  262. Puralean incorporates blends of Mediterranean plant-based nutrients, specifically formulated to support healthy liver function. These blends aid in naturally detoxifying your body, promoting efficient fat burning and facilitating weight loss.

  263. Wild Stallion Pro, a natural male enhancement supplement, promises noticeable improvements in penis size and sexual performance within weeks. Crafted with a blend of carefully selected natural ingredients, it offers a holistic approach for a more satisfying and confident sexual experience.

  264. Illuderma is a serum designed to deeply nourish, clear, and hydrate the skin. The goal of this solution began with dark spots, which were previously thought to be a natural symptom of ageing. The creators of Illuderma were certain that blue modern radiation is the source of dark spots after conducting extensive research.

  265. PowerBite is an innovative dental candy that promotes healthy teeth and gums. It’s a powerful formula that supports a strong and vibrant smile.

  266. Digestyl™ is natural, potent and effective mixture, in the form of a powerful pill that would detoxify the gut and rejuvenate the whole organism in order to properly digest and get rid of the Clostridium Perfringens.

  267. Keratone addresses the real root cause of your toenail fungus in an extremely safe and natural way and nourishes your nails and skin so you can stay protected against infectious related diseases.

  268. DentaTonic is a breakthrough solution that would ultimately free you from the pain and humiliation of tooth decay, bleeding gums, and bad breath. It protects your teeth and gums from decay, cavities, and pain.

  269. Abdomax is a nutritional supplement using an 8-second Nordic cleanse to eliminate gut issues, support gut health, and optimize pepsinogen levels.

  270. Fast Lean Pro is a herbal supplement that tricks your brain into imagining that you’re fasting and helps you maintain a healthy weight no matter when or what you eat. It offers a novel approach to reducing fat accumulation and promoting long-term weight management.

  271. Zoracel is an extraordinary oral care product designed to promote healthy teeth and gums, provide long-lasting fresh breath, support immune health, and care for the ear, nose, and throat.

  272. Folixine is a enhancement that regrows hair from the follicles by nourishing the scalp. It helps in strengthening hairs from roots.

  273. Java Burn is a proprietary blend of metabolism-boosting ingredients that work together to promote weight loss in your body.

  274. Red Boost is a male-specific natural dietary supplement. Nitric oxide is naturally increased by it, which enhances blood circulation all throughout the body. This may improve your general well-being. Red Boost is an excellent option if you’re trying to assist your circulatory system.

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  492. Very informative article.Much thanks again. Great.

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    굶주림을 제외하면 이 세상에 Liu Jin을 놀라게 할 수 있는 것은 없는 것 같습니다.

    더군다나 공무부 장관의 입장은 아직 뜨겁지 않다.

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    이때 작은 내시가 서둘러 ”폐하, 황태자 전하 …”

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  514. Major thanks for the blog.Thanks Again. Great.

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    Hongzhi 황제는 감정을 버리고 환호했습니다.

    Zhu Biao도 얼굴에 성실함을 보여 Fang Jifan을 다르게 바라 보았습니다.

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    하지만 사실 더 당황한 것은 각 부처 관계자였다.

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    Liu Jian은 한숨을 쉬었습니다. ”작은 이익을보고 목숨을 잊으면 위대한 일을하지만 목숨을 소중히 여기면 죽을 것입니다!”

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  540. Thanks again for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.

  541. Thanks a lot for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

  542. Thank you ever so for you post.Much thanks again. Really Great.

  543. A big thank you for your post. Really Great.

  544. A big thank you for your blog.Thanks Again. Really Great.

  545. Thanks again for the blog.

    동종 같은 눈이 살의를 품고 팡지판을 바라보았다.

    상대방의 Fang Jifan은 이틀간의 바쁜 일을 마치고 마침내 집으로 돌아 왔습니다.

  548. nice content!nice history!! boba 😀

  549. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

    예부 상숙 장생(張生)도 의기양양하고 기뻐했다.

    Xiao Jing은 감히 태만하지 않고 서둘러 편지를 받아 부모를 고소했습니다.

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  556. I cannot thank you enough for the blog post.

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  559. nice content!nice history!! boba 😀

    홍치 황제의 얼굴에 직접 찬물을 부은 것과 같았습니다.

  561. Thanks again for the post.Really thank you! Will read on…

  562. Really enjoyed this post.Much thanks again. Much obliged.

  563. Thank you ever so for you article. Really Great.

  564. I cannot thank you enough for the post. Really Cool.

    Suleiman은 Zhu Houzhao를 흘끗 보았습니다. ”그의 전하, 최근에 쟁기질을 했습니까?”

    Fang Jifan은 오랫동안 회복하지 못했습니다. 이것은 사기입니다.

  567. Im grateful for the blog.Thanks Again. Want more.

  568. Thanks so much for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

  569. Enjoyed every bit of your post.Much thanks again. Want more.

  570. Really informative blog article.Thanks Again. Awesome.

  571. wow, awesome article.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

  572. Looking forward to reading more. Great blog. Awesome.

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    모두가 수다를 떨고 있었고 행사가 끝난 후 제갈량도 많았습니다.

    나는 그것을 좋아합니다. Xinjian 삼촌은 Northland의 쓰레기 인 Fang Jifan입니다.

    Jiao Fang은 집의 줄을보고 번호를 매겼습니다.

    가족을 부양하기 위해 책을 쓴다는 것은 쉬운 일이 아닙니다 타이거는 열심히 글을 쓰지만 정상에 오르기를 희망합니다.

  578. Major thanks for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.

  579. Really enjoyed this blog article.Really thank you! Cool.

    Zhu Houzhao는 그의 코를 만졌습니다. ”그럼 산책에 동행하겠습니다.”

    Liu Daxia를 오랜 세월 동안 죄인으로 묘사하는 것은 잘못된 것이 아닙니다.

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    Liu Jian은 서기관의 긴장을 느낀 듯 미소를 지으며 말했다.

    이것은 거의 귀를 속이고 종을 훔쳐 사람들의 IQ를 모욕하는 것과 같습니다.

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    자취가 남을 정도로 자랑을 많이 했기 때문일까.

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    ”이 사람은 누구지?” Yang Tinghe의 어조는 판사처럼 단호했습니다.

    하지만 그의 뒤에는 그를 잡고 있는 칼이 있고, 칼을 들고 있는 사람은 장위안시입니다.

  689. Im obliged for the blog article.Really thank you! Much obliged.

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  692. I urge you to avoid this platform. My own encounter with it has been nothing but frustration and suspicion of scamming practices. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, look for a more reputable service to fulfill your requirements.

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  694. Really informative blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.


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    그러나 Hongzhi 황제는 이것이 매우 날카로운 무기라고 거의 확신했습니다.

    하지만 이런 경험은 강화가 필요하지만 각 궁술의 득실을 연구할 필요가 있다.

  699. Wow, great blog article.Thanks Again. Will read on…

  700. Thanks for the blog article. Will read on…

  701. Appreciate you sharing, great blog.Much thanks again. Will read on…

  702. nice content!nice history!!

  703. I highly advise to avoid this platform. My personal experience with it was only frustration along with suspicion of fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out a trustworthy platform to fulfill your requirements.

  704. I cannot thank you enough for the blog article.Really thank you! Want more.

  705. Major thanks for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

  706. pia proxy s5

    Really informative blog post.Really thank you! Will read on…

    Zhu Houzhao의 부 자연스러운 표정을보고 Fang Jifan은 즉시 ”서둘러 태반을 가져 가십시오. ”라고 말했습니다.

    북부 지방의 지위는 특히 중요해졌습니다.

  709. wow, awesome blog.Much thanks again. Awesome.

    Zhu Xiurong은 ”Lao Fang”과 ”Farewell”이라는 단어를 들었을 때 이상한 느낌을 받았습니다.

    Hongzhi 황제는 ”사람들에게 유용하도록 가르 칠 수 없다면 어떻게합니까? ”라고 무관심하게 말했습니다.

  712. Thanks for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.



  715. Really appreciate you sharing this article. Cool.

  716. A big thank you for your article post.Thanks Again.

  717. Im grateful for the post. Want more.

  718. Im obliged for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.

    ”이건 장애인의 경우야!” Zhang Mao는 느낌을 금할 수 없었습니다.

    그는 Ouyang Zhi를 돌아보며 ”당신이 와서 그를 위로하십시오.”

  721. I loved your blog.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

  722. Say, you got a nice article.Thanks Again. Awesome.

  723. nice content!nice history!!

  724. Thank you ever so for you blog.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.


  726. Thanks so much for the article post. Really Great.

  727. Very good blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.

    Hongzhi 황제의 눈은 여전히 \u200b\u200b티켓에 있었고 그는 ”무슨 일이야? ”라고 말했습니다.

    그 직후 일반인들에게 전파됐다.

  730. Thank you ever so for you article post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

  731. “You’re amazing!”

    지금 폐하의 수척한 표정을 보니 성교 때문에 짜증이 났을 것입니다.

  733. Fantastic blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

    Hongzhi 황제는 매우 안도감을 느꼈고 갑자기 기분이 좋아졌습니다.

  735. Enjoyed every bit of your article post.Much thanks again. Much obliged.

  736. Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.

  737. Great article.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

  738. I really enjoy the post.Really thank you! Fantastic.

  739. “You’re amazing!”

  740. Wow, great article post.Really thank you! Keep writing.

  741. I cannot thank you enough for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool.



  744. I cannot thank you enough for the blog.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

  745. I highly advise stay away from this site. My own encounter with it has been nothing but dismay as well as suspicion of fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, seek out a trustworthy site to meet your needs.I highly advise to avoid this platform. The experience I had with it was only frustration as well as suspicion of fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or even better, seek out a more reputable service to meet your needs.

  746. Thanks again for the article post. Great.

  747. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it has been only disappointment as well as concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, find an honest service to fulfill your requirements.I highly advise stay away from this site. The experience I had with it has been purely frustration and doubts about deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, seek out an honest service to fulfill your requirements.

  748. I cannot thank you enough for the article post.Really thank you! Want more.

  749. Great, thanks for sharing this blog.Thanks Again. Will read on…

    비행팀이 공격한 후 Datong의 수도에서 더 이상 신용이 없을 수 있습니까?

    ”아…” Zhu Houzhao는 잠시 당황했다가 흥분하여 즉시 등을 곧게 폈습니다.

  752. Major thankies for the article post. Keep writing.

  753. Thanks a lot for the blog.Much thanks again. Awesome.

  754. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic post.Really thank you!

    그 이후로 ”대통일”, ”이와 하의 논쟁”등이있었습니다.

    오늘 서쪽 산 위아래로 Yiyingqianhusuo의 등뼈가 모두 모였습니다.

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